Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Social Services
GDForum ID: 2493
Description of Proposed Guidance Document Changes
TANF Transmittal #78 provides guidance changes and clarifications that are a direct result of questions received from local departments regarding specific sections of guidance and by an ongoing TANF program simplification project. The simplification project was initiated to simplify program requirements to better serve vulnerable families with children in the state of Virginia and to streamline business processes for local agency case management purposes. Notable changes and clarifications were made in the following subsections: immunization requirement and imposition of the immunization penalty to allow for the penalty to only be imposed at recertification when necessary, acceptance of expired documents and client statement as evidence when evaluating good cause claims for not cooperating with the Division of Child Support Enforcement, TANF Emergency Assistance to allow for the acceptance of the Five-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit/Vacate Property, form requirements at recertification to remove the signature requirement, and the process for adding a new/required household member to no longer require an application. Additional revisions were made to provide updated information for filing complaints of alleged discrimination with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and to add clarity regarding the Reaching Independence through Savings and Education (RISE) programs as it is now considered a match savings program.
[This forum has been finalized.]
Guidance Document(s) for this Comment Forum
Document ID Document Title Current Document Proposed Document Revised Proposed
7673 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Manual pdf Document     pdf Proposed Document pdf Revised Proposed Posted with additional changes on 9/27/2024
Contact Information
Mark Golden
TANF Program Manager
5600 Cox Road
Glen Allen
ORM Review
ORM Approved (7/12/2024)
pdf ORM Economic Review Form     posted: 6/18/2024         submitted to ORM: 6/18/2024
The Virginia Register

Publication Date: 8/12/2024    Volume: 40  Issue: 26
The public comment period began upon publication and lasted for 30 days. It ended on 9/11/2024.
There were no comments
Effective Date:  9/12/2024   
ORM Review of Revisions
ORM Review completed on 9/27/2024
pdf ORM Economic Review Form     posted: 9/27/2024        Replace
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