Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Counseling
Regulations Governing the Practice of Professional Counseling [18 VAC 115 ‑ 20]
Action Unprofessional conduct - conversion therapy
Comment Period Ended on 8/7/2019
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8/2/19  3:50 pm
Commenter: June Meek

Leave the Kids alone

The State, and no group of people have the right to take away the rights of parents over their kids. The LGBTQ people only make up 3% of the worlds population. They are trying to twist the minds of young kids. There is no such thing as gender fluidity. There is only two sexes/genders that exist, male and female. No one has the right to force any child to go through a sex change operation, or to give them pills to block their bodies hormones. This is a Satanic Agenda to turn everything that is normal into what is abnormal. Those who keep trying to ram this agenda down our throats needs to be stopped, once and for all. We know these people, the LGBTQ exist. To each their own. But they do not have the right to force what they want onto everyone else, especially kids. Kids have rights. So do their parents. The State and the LGBTQ needs to get out of others lives. Everyone who is not LGBTQ have rights, and it is obvious that the LBGTQ wants to violate everyone elses rights to screw up as many people as they can. Misery enjoys company and it seems that too many politicians are in on this. It is time for the politicians to protect EVERYONES lives, not just a small minority who have a sinister agenda.

CommentID: 74888